Vegetarian recipes are, in their most basic form, the combination of vegetables, legumes, oil, and spices. The beauty of this is that it does not matter what selection of the aforementioned categories you have in your pantry.
As a college student constantly on the move I live for meals made with things I have on hand. It doesn't have to be fancy or elaborate. Sometimes it is the simplest dish that can bring the greatest joy.
Today I scoured the depths of my refrigerator that I share with my five wonderful roommates and located the remains of my last trip to the grocery store. Our fridge is so jammed with food that there is a 100% chance that anytime you open the door an average of 3 and 1/12 items will fly out and your feet.
Today I was hit with some bell peppers, onion, and brussels sprouts. A quick spin of the can opener, slice of veggies, and drizzle of olive oil created my serendipitous approach to cooking.
This non-premeditated method of cooking is where I feel most comfortable. Toss some spices like red pepper flakes, paprika, garlic powder, and pepper into the pot and you're set to go!
Next time you're feeling inspired by the contents of your pantry, give it a try! The hodgepodge of ingredients in your fridge could end up becoming your favorite meal.